
Terms and Policy

Terms & Conditions

Cogniasal’s mission is to improve people’s lives through education. Individual well-being, we believe, is the foundation of a thriving community; with this in mind, we developed specialized courses and tools aimed at empowering individuals so that they can make meaningful contributions to their community. 

We believe that our online model is the most effective way to provide value adding and life enriching educational content to a global audience. To keep our platform and services safe for you, us, and our student community, we need rules. Your actions on the Cogniasal website and mobile applications are subject to these Terms.

You must also consent to the policy if you sign up for a course on the Cogniasal’ platform. We also explain how we handle student personal data in our privacy policy.

User Accounts

Most activities on our platform such as buying or accessing content, as well as submitting work for publication, require a user account. To register on this website or any of its platforms you must be aged 18 years or above. For children under 18 years, the user account registration, monitoring, supervision, and maintenance should be undertaken by a parent or guardian above 18 years of age. In the case of children under 18 years, the user account should be created with the parent details only. By accepting or clicking and registering an account with any Cogniasal’s platforms and website, you are automatically confirming that you are aged 18 years or above.

When registering and maintaining your account, you must provide and continue to provide accurate and complete information, including a valid email address. You are solely responsible for your account and everything that occurs on it, including any harm or damage caused (to us or anyone else) by someone using your account without your permission. This means you must be cautious with your password. The use or transfer of another person’s account is not permitted. We will ask you for documentation proving your ownership of the account if you contact us to request access to one; access can only be granted to the account owner and no one else. the user account access could be disabled or closed at our sole discretion, without prior notice or explanation; the user account access can also be closed or disabled should we suspect any unscrupulous activity through the user account, on completion of course, demise of user and any other activity we deem appropriate to close the user account.

Your login credentials for your account must remain private to you only. In the event of breach of the terms of usage, wherein account login credentials are shared, that trigger disputes between students or instructors Cogniasal will not intervene in any way, other than disabling or closing access to user accounts of all involved parties. You must contact our support team immediately if you suspect that someone else is using your account without your permission (or if you suspect any other breach of security). To verify that you are the legitimate owner of your account, we can ask you for certain information.

Enrolment and Access

When you enrol in a course or access any content on, whether free or paid, you are granted a limited license to view the content through the Cogniasal platform and Services, and Cogniasal is the licensor of record. The content is licensed to you rather than sold to you. This license does not grant you any rights to resell the content in any way (including by sharing account information with a purchaser or illegally downloading the content and sharing it on torrent sites or any other digital or physical form).

In accordance with these Terms and any conditions or restrictions associated with the content or feature of our Services, Cogniasal hereby grants you (as a student) a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access and view the content for which you have paid all applicable fees through the Services, solely for your personal, non-commercial, educational purposes. 

All other applications or uses are expressly prohibited. You are not allowed to reproduce, redistribute, transmit, assign, sell, broadcast, rent, share, lend, modify, adapt, edit, create derivative works of, sublicense, or otherwise transfer or use any content unless we expressly grant you permission in writing signed by a Cogniasal authorized representative. 

Generally, we grant students a limited time, bound access license when they enrol in a course or other content. After successful completion the enrolled course content online and passing assessments, your access to the course content and/or your login account would be automatically disabled. However, we reserve the right to terminate any license to access and use any content at any time, for any reason, and without prior notification, consent, or justification.

Student Age Requirement

The minimum age for a student to enrol in any course is 18 years, expect for courses that are specifically mentioned for children or teenagers, wherein the minimum age for children’s courses is 10 years and teenagers is 13 years. When a student is enrolled in a course, you are confirming that that the student undertaking the course is of the required age of that course at the time of registration. Should we suspect or find any violation to the age requirements, Cogniasal reserves unconditional rights to cancel the certificate with no refunds of the fees paid. 


You authorize us to charge the fees associated with the material you purchase to your debit or credit card or to another form of payment and acknowledge that you will pay the fees associated with the content. Cogniasal works with payment service providers to provide you with simple and secure payment alternatives accessible in your country and to safeguard your financial information. We may alter your payment options using information from our payment service providers, as required.

When you do a transaction, you agree not to utilize an unapproved or illegal payment method. If your payment method is rejected but you are still able to access the content you are enrolling in, you commit to paying us the associated fees within nine (9) days of getting notice from us. We reserve the right to disable access to any content for which we have not received adequate payment.

All payment gateways on our website are powered by third party services provider, these providers will have their own terms, conditions, and guideline, that you much abide when making payments; Cogniasal assumes no liability for any of the third-party service providers.


If the content was not what you had expected, you may ask Cogniasal to apply a refund to your account within 29 days of the content’s purchase. In the case of refund, no certificate will be issued for the learning or course for which the refund is given to you or the student/ trainee. After the 29-day refund guarantee period has passed, you are not eligible for a refund. However, if the previously paid-for information is removed due to legal or regulatory obligations beyond this 29-day window, you are entitled to a refund. Furthermore, Cogniasal retains the exclusive authority to modify or extend the 29-day refund timeframe.

We reserve the right to refuse your refund, prevent you from receiving any further refunds, suspend your account, and/or impose other future restrictions on your use of the services if we determine that you are abusing our refund policy in any way or if you have already consumed a sizable portion of the content. If you break these Terms and we terminate your account or restrict your access to the material as a result, you are not entitled to a refund.

Promotional Codes and Free Courses

Cogniasal may provide discount codes for current or prospective students from time to time. Some of the codes may be redeemed as promotional credits added to your Cogniasal account, which may then be used to purchase qualified content on our platform, according to the terms specified in your codes. These coupons and the related promotions could expire if they are not used within the time range specified; expired promotional codes will not be compensated, replaced, exchanged or substituted in any way. Promotional codes from Cogniasal cannot be swapped for cash backs or other alternatives. Gift and promotion codes from partners are subject to the partners’ return policies, and Cogniasal will not step in, be obligated to, or be responsible for the same. 

Course Completion and Certification Issuances

You will be considered to have completed the course when you have successfully cleared all assessments of all modules for the enrolled course. All online assessments require a Hundred Percent pass rate, which means all questions must be answered correctly to move to the next module or level.

You understand and agree that some courses may have a time restricted completion; which means that all course content must be completed within the specific duration for that course; if you do not complete the course content during that time, your access to the course content will be automatically disabled. In such case, when course accessibility is disabled due to non-completion of course within the specified time, you can appeal your case through email requesting for re-assess to the course; However, we reserve unconditional rights to accept or reject the appeal or impose penalties or fees or any other conditions, as per our sole judgement on case-to-case basis.

One certificate per student per course is issued on successfully passing all evaluation and testing criteria. The certificates will be issued through one of our associate certifying organisations in UK. The certificates issued will display the student’s name as per the name details entered in the course registration records. Certificate is valid only for the student, whose name is mentioned on it and cannot be transferred to any other person.

Any free courses are not entitled to any certificate, however in some unique cases, Cogniasal may issue certificate for free courses as per its sole discretion with no obligation to continue or repeat such practice.

Duplicate certificates may be issued on special requests with an additional fee; however, the issuance of duplicate certificate is subject to sole discretion, case evaluation and approval of Cogniasal. 

Course Compliances

You understand that we do have official partnership with our UK certification organisations. However, for all other organisations mentioned with reference to any course “compliances” means that the course topics and content is prepared by referring to most of the guidelines of these organisations only and we do not have an official engagement with these organisations.

Release of Liability and Indemnity

You voluntarily accept the inherent risks and dangers connected with viewing this type of content, including the potential for sickness, physical harm, disability, or death, by doing so. You alone are responsible for the choices you make before, during, and after gaining access to the content. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you confirm your complete comprehension of the same and RELEASE Cogniasal FZE LLC, its owners, shareholders, partners, trainers, agents, officers, and all other directly or indirectly associated individuals and organisations, from any and all liabilities, causes of action, claims, and demands resulting from any harm, injury, death or loss that may be caused by you, to you or to another person or to any property/asset during the activity or in the future, or that may be related to performing any act or procedure learned or assumed learnt by this training. 

Furthermore, you consent NOT TO SUE or assert any claims against the Cogniasal fze llc for any harm, loss, injury, or death resulting from the Activity or in any way connected to the Activity. Additionally, you agree to INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS, AND DEFEND Cogniasal fze llc against any and all claims arising from your conduct while taking the course or performing any actions related to the course at any time.

Security and Passwords

To register with the website and sign in each time you visit it, you will need to enter a username and password. Your password should never be disclosed to anyone else and should always be kept private. Your password’s security and appropriate use are solely your responsibility. You must notify us right away if you think someone else knows your password or that it might be used in an unlawful way. Any improper or illegal use of a password or its disclosure is not our responsibility.

Cogniasal’s Rights

The Cogniasal platform and Services, including our website and any current or upcoming applications, are and will continue to be the sole property of Cogniasal and its licensors. The copyright, trademark, and other laws of the United Kingdom and other countries provide protection for our platforms and services. Nothing grants you the authority to make use of the Cogniasal name or any of its trademarks, logos, domain names, or other identifying brand characteristics. Your thoughts, comments, or recommendations regarding Cogniasal or the Services are entirely voluntary, and we are free to use them however we see fit without any obligations to you or anyone else.

Discontinuation of Registration

We reserve the right, without prior notice or justification, to instantly discontinue your registration and/or deny you access to the website or any part of it.

Disclaimer of Liabilities

Cogniasal FZE LLC its owners, directors, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, training partners, affiliates and Instructors are not responsible for any death, injury, loss, or damage of any kind suffered by any person during participation or performing of any activities of the course during and after completing the course and all related activities of the course, including injury, loss or damage that might be caused by the negligence of the trainee.

As a result of your use of the Website, we expressly disclaim any responsibility for any loss (direct or indirect, for loss of business, revenue, or profits, wasted expenses, corruption, or deletion of data, or for any other indirect or consequential loss of any type). This disclaimer applies regardless of whether the liability results from a contract, a tort (including negligence), or another reason, this disclaimer is nonetheless in effect. We expressly disclaim any and all representations, warranties, and conditions with regard to the Website and your use of it to the fullest extent permitted by law.

All of the information in the books, websites, and other learning materials has been created to support topic understanding and does not substitute for actual hands-on practice of the skills. It is impossible to provide specific advice for every instance because the causes of an emergency illness or injury vary widely and are outside the author’s or Cogniasal’s control. Therefore, you should always seek prompt, qualified medical assistance if you suspect illness or injury. While every attempt has been made to assure the author’s veracity, Cogniasal disclaims all responsibility for any errors or for any subsequent abuse of any individual, regardless of how they may have occurred.

Although we make a fair effort to update the material on this website, we cannot guarantee or promise its availability, quality, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, appropriateness, suitability, or any other aspect of the information. The content of this website is made available “as is” and “as accessible.” Regarding the information on this website and its applicability for any purpose, we make no guarantees. Any and all implied guarantees, including those relating to merchantability, suitability for a specific purpose, and non-infringement, are disclaimed by us.

You do so at your own risk if you rely on any of the information on this website. Regarding the use of the website or the material, we expressly disclaim any and all warranties, representations, and conditions. We make no commitment to provide updates or advice on new facts pertaining to the mentioned issues. The data is provided “as is” and could be inaccurate. The data might occasionally change without prior warning. It should not be considered that we have examined or endorsed all of the content because some of it may have been given by other people. Unless otherwise noted, any reference of particular services or products on this website does not represent or imply that we promote or endorse them.

Cogniasal and all its associates or individuals who contribute to the information on this website shall have no liability whether direct, indirect, consequential, contingent, special or incidental related to or arising out of or in connection with the website usage or the your reliance on the information therein.

Any person who uses this information does so at their own risk and, by doing so, releases Cogniasal and its content providers from any and all liability, loss, injury, damages, costs, and expenses (including attorney’s fees and expenses), resulting from that person’s use of the information on this website and any information on websites linked from this website.

Any claims for direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or other damages based on or arising from the use of this website or any other website and their contents to which this site is linked, whether arising in contract or otherwise, are expressly excluded from our liability.

Third-Party Information and Links

Links from Cogniasal’s website may lead to other websites; however, these websites are not covered by this Privacy Policy, which only applies to Cogniasal’s websites. You must look up any connected sites’ privacy policies and/or contact the linked site’s operator with any questions you may have regarding their privacy policies. These convenience links to third-party websites are offered only for your information and convenience. These linked websites are not supported by Cogniasal, and neither is Cogniasal liable for them. 

There may be humanitarian organizations mentioned on the website that we admire for their work. Through our portal, we are only trying to promote their good work and inspire others. At times, we may be supporting many of them through various channels; However, we do not have an official association with them.

Data Storage, Transfer and Security

Data is hosted by Cogniasal with hosting companies in several nations. The servers that hold personal data are kept in a controlled environment. No security system is impenetrable, and since the Internet is inherently an open global communications channel, we cannot guarantee that information while in our possession—whether it is being transmitted over the Internet, stored on our systems, or otherwise—will be completely safe from intrusion by third parties like hackers. Additionally, we cannot guarantee that any accidentally gathered personal information you decide to preserve in websites or SaaS products is kept at a degree of protection to meet any needs or obligations you might have in relation to that information.

The right to monitor website usage is reserved by Cogniasal. This website gathers, stores, and aggregates information about user behaviour and browsing habits using a number of technologies (including cookies and Google Analytics). These technologies aid Cogniasal in user analysis, site customization, and improved comprehension of how this website is used. 

Visitors to websites can download the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on if they do not wish to be tracked by it. Visit the Google Analytics Overview page for more details.

When you first visit the site, you have the option to deny our request to accept cookies, or you can change your browser’s settings to allow or reject cookies. However, if cookies are disabled, you might not be able to access all our website’s interactive features. Your personal information like your name, address, email address, and phone number is used to identify you as a specific individual. Only when you voluntarily provide it to us in the form of responses to surveys, forms, and the like do we obtain personal information about you. We may also ask you for more information, such as your email address, if you want to receive additional services, information, or questions.

Information provided through our website may be used by Cogniasal for marketing and promotional purposes with the consent of an online visitor. Please get in touch with us using the information provided below if you have provided personal information and wish to update it or opt-out.

Disclosure of Information

Your personal information may occasionally be disclosed to our affiliates, representatives, and business partners. If required by law, we shall also provide your personal information.

Except for the authorized representatives of a Company, Cogniasal will not disclose the personal information you supply on its websites to any other third parties.

Privacy, Personal Information, and data usage

In the normal course of doing business, we gather personal data from our clients. We may gather information about your computer when you visit our website, including your IP address, the operating system and browser you are using, the geographic location of your computer, the pages you view on our site, and the links you click.

We gather personal information about you when you fill out our registration form, such as your name, address, phone number, or e-mail address, which helps us identify you as an individual. We only gather personal data from you when you freely submit it to us in the form of responses to polls, forms, and the like. To identify you, we primarily collect personal information from you. Customer service, marketing, and customer relationship management.

Your Consent and Opting Out

You agree to the collection and use of your personal information by us for that specific purpose only when you give us that information to complete a transaction, validate a credit card, fill out an order, schedule a delivery, or return an item.

If we need your personal data for a secondary purpose—like marketing—we will either directly ask you for permission or give you a choice about whether to give it to us. The phrase “opting out” refers to declining. You can instruct us not to gather the data and/or not to share it with other businesses by choosing to opt out.

Accessing, Correcting or Deleting Your Information

You are invited to get in touch with us if you think the information, we have on file for you is inaccurate so we can keep it updated. We will erase any information we no longer need. After confirming your identity to our satisfaction, we will, upon written request, send you a digital copy of the data we process about you.

Changes to Terms and Conditions and Invalidity

These terms and conditions may be changed at any moment by us. You will be presumed to have accepted the terms and conditions when you use the Website again following any changes (as amended).

If a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of these terms and conditions to be invalid, it shall not impact the validity of the remaining sections, which shall continue to be in full force and effect.